Advance Hospital Management Software (HMS) | Must Read.

Start using Sparrow Hospital Management Software which comes with best in class smart Features to help your Business Grow.

Medical Software Features:-

  • Multiple Doctor Management
  • Patient Management
  • Multiple Path Lab Partner & Self Path Lab Management
  • Multiple Radiology Machine Partners 
  • Self Radiology machine Management
  • Cash management
  • Complete OPD Management
  • Complete IPD Management
  • Admin Roll

Multiple Doctor Management:-

  •  Department wise multiple doctor creation
  •  Doctor wise Free days and consultancy charges configuration on basis of the  ( Regular & Emergency)

Patient Management:-

  • Patient Token Registration (for Pre Telephonic Registration) 
  • Direct consultancy (Counter Registration).
  • Patient wise unique MRD Creation.
  • Multiple patients can configure on the same mobile number with a unique MRD.
  • Patient data tracking via the mobile number in the next visit.
  • Advance Token registration for a future booking.
  • Admin Rolla 

Multiple Path Lab Partner & Self Path Lab Management:-

  • Multiple path Lab Partners Creation.
  • Path Lab wise TEST wise price list creation.
  • Patient wise Pathology bill preparation.
  • Path Lab wise cash collection


  • Multiple Radiology unit Partners Creation.
  • Radiology unit-wise price list creation.
  • patient wise Radiology bill preparation.
  • Radiology unit-wise cash collection.

Cash management:-

  • Cashier-wise cash collection report. (In Multiuser Only)
  • Doctor Wise Cash collection Report.
  • OPD & IPD wise cash collection report.

Complete OPD Management:-

  • Doctor wise OPD Report.
  • Kept Patient wise Prescription and Test report in PDF Format.
  • Patient activity report.

 Complete IPD Management:-

  • Floor Master Creation
  • Ward Master Creation 
  • Treatment Charges Master Creation
  • Treatment Package Master Creation
  • IPD Invoicing 
  • Bed-Master Creation
  • Treatment Master Creation 
  • IPD Registration 
  • IPD Tools & Its Charges Creation
  • Discharge Slip  

Admin Roll:- 

  • User Creation & Authorization.
  • User wise Log Report
  • Discount Authorization in Bill 
  • Discount Report 

Sparrow Softwares is one of the best Hospital Management Software (HMS) in India that works with you to Drive your Hospital's Business.



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What is Sparrow Sofwares ?