Millan Software Feature For Retail Business Solution | Why need Millan Software For Retail Businesses.

Millan Software Feature For Retail Business Solution:

  • Basic Company Information :
  • Input All Legal detail of the company/Firm.
  • Ledger Creation :
  • Create all type of accounting ledger like debtors/creditors/capital/expenses/income/cash/bank…ETC
  • Product/Item Master Creation :
  • Create an Item with seven unique fields like Item code/Group/Section/Style/Brand/Colour/Size with HSN.
  • Product Creation (For Without Barcode Sale)- Optional :
  • Create a Product with GST configuration if needed to sell the product without a barcode
  • GST Configuration (For Accounts & Taxation) :
  • Its help us to configure segment-wise GST Rates, Sale & Purchase Ledger which is useable for Accounting purpose and taxation.
  • HSN Update (For Accounts & Taxation) :
  • Its helps us to change Product HSN in bulk.

SMS Configuration and Integration :

It manages all types of SMS for Admin and customers in this feature you can create your message content as you required(Like: Scheme message/Promotional message/Transactional Message /Point Report…Etc) and send it to filtered data of your customer list and also you can see delivery report -NOTE: Message will be chargeable as per current tariff and All message must be DLT approved.


TCS Configuration (For Accounts & Taxation) :

It’s required as per government norms to apply on bulk purchase/Payment within the period- Govt. T & C Apply

Receipt Model Creation with Configuration :

Its Help us to create multiple receipt mode in sale/Advance like UPI/Wallet/Card Machine/Paytm…Etc and its configuration with connecting bank ledger to see the reflection of receipt in the bank ledger.

Purchase (With auto voucher posting in account) :

We provide multiple options in purchase for Barcode generation like Unique Barcode (It generates every product barcode with a unique number), Batch Barcode (It generates common barcode of batch buy quantity), feature to import purchase data from excel/PT file of brands stock and also you can use product barcode in purchase if the product has already its own barcode.) Also, we provide Mark-Up on GST or without GST & Mark-Down option to set profit in purchase entry, Printout of purchase entry as a checklist for admin, also feature to enter the name of the stock purchaser to view stock movement report purchaser wise.

Purchase Return (With auto voucher posting in account) :

It makes it very easy to generate multiple purchase return and its voucher auto-posting in the account with just to scan the barcode in two different way (Party wise bill wise OR Party wise), Its detect party, the rate in purchase invoice, discount if received in purchase invoice or scan the barcode.

Advance Receipt (Optional) :

It helps you to deposit advance/partial payment from a customer without creating a customer ledger against stock what he needs to buy OR Advance-deposit against Ordered stock what he needs to buy but not in stock OR Stock in alteration, and it adjusted in sale when the customer is taking his stock final delivery. 

Sale (B2C Sale & Sale Return) :

  • (a). it’s very easy to operate for any user and very strong control for admins, which means its completely depends on permission allowed by the admin to user Like: discount permission/bill edit/cancel/delete permission.
  • (b). its also convert round figure discount amount in percentage and distribute in an individual product which helps us at the time of goods return by the customer on net effective rate after discount.
  • (c). It's very useful to receive payment with multiple modes in the same bill
  • (d). Exchange products in the same bill.
  • (e). Adjust credit note OR multiple credit note or cash refund as required
  • (f). Adjust credit note as cash refund if the customer did not need to buy a product after multiple visits.
  • (g). Adjust the membership point in the invoice with the OTP message (OTP message is chargeable).
  • (h). Very easy to check customer all buying data in a single click on a sale which helps to search invoices or products sold to the related customer.
  • (i). Users can see sales made by him with cash & card bifurcation in a single click.

Sale (B2B/Credit Sale & B2B/Credit Sale Return) (With auto voucher posting in account) :

Its Helps us to create B2B/Credit invoice for GST input credit needed to take by the customer OR for wholesale buyer billing with Discount percentage allowed on MRP with inclusive / Additional GST feature and auto voucher posting in the account, accordingly in sales return.

Opening Stock :

It’s used for barcoding of opening stock entry, if the store is in running position OR switching software, also we can enter the opening stock with excel OR with barcode by switching software data (in provided format).

Account Report

  • Purchase Register
  • Sale Register
  • Ledger report
  • Day Book
  • Cash/Bank Book
  • Outstanding Report Bill wise with Stock.
  • Stock summary as per P/L
  • Trial Balance
  • Profit & Loss A/c
  • Balance Sheet

GST Report

  • Sale Summary Report (As Per GST)
  • Buyer & Item wise HSN summary Report
  • Purchase Report (HSN wise)
  • Bill & HSN wise sale report
  • GST report for expenses
  • GST (Input-Output) Report

GST Return Report (In GST Report)

  • 3B & GSTR-1 Summary report
  • B2B Supply Report
  • B2C Large Report
  • B2C Report
  • Debit/Credit Note Report
  • HSN Summary
  • Expenses GST Summary report
  • Nil Rated /Exempted/Non-GST Supply report
  • List of Document Issued
  • All JSON Creation

Our DEDICATION TO emerging Technologies "Centers of Excellence" enable us to HARNESS the latest Technology for DELIVERING Business CAPABILITY to our clients.


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